Sunday, 25 March 2012


Why does Geo collude with foreign media?

Why does it focus on creating chaos and general discontent?

 Why does it act like an instrument of an political party?

Why does Geo behave like the arm of a foreign force?

Why did Geo deliberately broadcast false bad news about the economy when the stock market was booming?

What hand did Geo play in scaring the foreign investors away from Pakistan?

Why did Geo repeat the false news about the growth figures which led to the crash of the stock market?

Why does Geo show wrong Pakistani maps?

Why does Geo almost never cover the insurgencies in India?

Why is Geo so infatuated with Anti-Pakistan Bollywood films?

Why is Geo bent upon creating a “Indianization” of Pakistan?

Why does Geo pay so much attention to Bollywood?

Why does Geo show dead bodies?

Is this all part of a psy-op or is it part of an agenda?

Mr. Husain Haqqani of the Hudson institute is on the payroll of JINSA and AIPAC (public information posted on Rupee News) is a known neocon with his own agenda.
His wife Ms. Isphani is involved with VOA and Geo pursuing the same Neocon agenda.

A company is known by the company it keeps. Geo certainty deals with some “colorful” characters. Its genesis, consultants, and affiliations leave much to be desired.

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